The second wave of the Covid 19 virus is now spreading much rapid manner in India and it is literally shaking the entire people of the country.
Death tally has been increasing drastically and till now about 183000 people have already died due to Covid 19. Infection rates are also increasing in a rapid manner and altogether India witnessed about 15.6 million Covid 19 cases.
Considering the ongoing alarming situation, It is highly essential to implement more effective safety measures to avoid getting infected in future.
India is the largest producer of Covid 19 vaccine and their vaccines such as Covishield and Covaxin are highly successful in containing the Covid 19.
On the one hand Indian Government has been busy in vaccinating their people in a massive and at a world record pace and on the other hand the they have been focusing on vaccine diplomacy across the world. They have already exported crores of vaccines about 80 countries in the intention of taking care of other countries people also.
Unfortunately the Covid 19 situation in India is now out of control and the government and medical authorities are now finding difficulty in containing the same effectively.
Considering the phenomenal growth of Covid 19 affected cases in India, the state and central government are now taking wide range safety and medical measures to containing the same.
Recently Indian Government announced that they are going to implement a Phase 3 Covid 19 vaccination strategy that will help in ramping up the coronavirus vaccination drive in the country. As per their strategy, with effect from 1st May 2021, the government will make sure that everyone above the age of 18 are getting vaccinated as fast as possible.
India should learn from Israel how to containing the Covid 19 in an effective manner. In December 2020 Israel has carried out one of the rapid vaccine rollouts in the world. In the beginning they have given priority to those who have crossed 60 years as well as those who were at a higher risk of severe COVID-19.
From January 2021 onwards they have started vaccination to those who have crossed at the age of 16 years. Israel’s rapid action in this regard has immensely helped them to containing the Covid 19 virus in an effective manner.
As the Covid 19 infection rates in Israel has come down drastically, recently Israel government have officially cancelled their earlier order for wearing the face mask in the open air compulsorily. At the same time they are still advising the people to wear the face mask whenever they are carrying out indoor activities.
As the Covid 19 situation is now getting out of control in India, it is not easy for the government and health officials to contain this deadly Pandemic.
It is the duty of the entire Indian citizen to follow the government’s safety guidelines in a stricter manner. They also should work shoulder to shoulder with the government to defeat the Covid 19 Pandemic as fast as possible.